5 things to avoid during your pregnancy

Everyone knows that during pregnancy, there are some foods, behaviours, etc. that should be avoided. However, it is not always easy to separate the truth from rumours or unfounded beliefs. Fortunately, L’Enfantillon is here to guide you!

Here are 5 things you should avoid during your pregnancy!

1) Caffeine (in large quantities)

Contrary to what many people believe, caffeine is safe during pregnancy… when taken in small amounts. The Public Health Agency of Canada recommends that pregnant women limit their caffeine intake to 300 mg per day—approximately two cups of coffee.

2) Raw meat and seafood

Unfortunately, you will have to say goodbye to sushi and beef tartare while you are pregnant. This is because a bacterial or parasitic infection could have serious effects on you and your baby. No need to take unnecessary risks! 

3) Rings

Swollen hands are very common during pregnancy. Consequence: you could end up with a painfully stuck ring on your finger! Our suggestion: wear your important rings on a chain or a necklace. 

4) Alcohol, drugs and cigarettes

Obviously, you should absolutely avoid alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes during your pregnancy. Those substances can seriously affect the development of the fetus and, in some cases, lead to complications such as fetal alcoholism for your baby. 

5) Taking the plane

If your pregnancy is going well, you can usually get on a plane without worrying during the first or second trimester. However, when you enter the third trimester, some airlines may ask you for a doctor’s note or even refuse to let you on board! If you absolutely must travel, talk to your doctor first, and if you are past the eighth month, please be aware that air travel is strongly discouraged.

For more information and advice, we recommend that you visit the website of the Public Health Agency of Canada. (https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/health-promotion/healthy-pregnancy/healthy-pregnancy-guide.html)